Tuesday, November 22, 2005

爱 搏 学 堂 简 介

校名 School Name:爱 搏 学 堂 (Aborn School)
校长 Principal:Dr. Cao
创办人 Vice Principal: Ms. Jane Chen
校址 School Location:Evergreen, San Jose, CA 95135
网址 School Website:www.abornschool.blogspot.com
联络方式 Contact:(408)238 6866,AbornSchool@Gmail.com
使用教材 Chinese Learning Materials:

  • 中国暨南大学《中文》
  • 中国暨南大学《汉语拼音》
  • 马立平教材系列《中文》
  • 北京大学出版《双双中文教材》初高中教材
  • 人民教育出版社《标准中文》
  • 人民教育出版社九年义务教育教材《语文》

Aborn School features Chinese Language, Math, Painting, Dance, and Martial Arts. Students come from Asian culture as well as American background, ranging from Kindergarten to G12. Focusing on After-school programs, we provide: Learning assistance and Advanced training in Chinese, English, Math, Physics and Chemistry, Mental Arithmetic, Children’s Drawing, Water Color, Sketch, Chinese Painting, Oil Painting, Piano, Chess, Dance (Folk), Basketball, and Martial Arts.
Aborn School is proud of its PhD level instructor team with bilingual instructions. All instructors have at least a Bachelor’s degree or professional proficiency. Aborn School emphasizes on unique teaching and innovative learning. As of Fall 2006, students boast various rewards and achievements: Alex Xu – SAT II Chinese, full score of 800 pts; Melody Cao – 1st place for the art contest of the 2nd Chinese Language Bridge Cup Contest, 2006; Christine Lu, 1st place, Brian Qiu, 1st place, Emily Liang, 2nd place, Vivian Liang, 2nd place, and Franklin Chen, 3rd place, in the 4th Int’l Children’s Drawings and Arts Competition; Alison Chen, Emily Liang, Vivian Liang, Emily Chen – Succeeded in 5th –7th level certification after 1 year Mental Arithmetic training. Coordinating various social and cultural societies, Aborn School is expanding to satisfy more training needs. With the new facility, we are in the process of accepting students for Folk’s Dance, Basketball, and Chinese Martial Arts.

Aborn School是新近由中国学者在加州湾区创立的一所非盈利的小班制中文实验学校。学生主要是来自大陆及港澳台的新移民子女和喜爱中国文化的欧美、印度、越南裔等人士的子女。学生小有学前班大至高中生。所设课程以中文为主,为学生奠定扎实的听、说、读、写中文基础,顺利冲刺大学预修课AP Chinese;另设有英语及数理化加强班、快速珠心算、儿童绘画、水彩、素描、国画、油画、钢琴和棋类等才艺课程。每班十人为限。学制为每年三学期,每学期十一周。学校拥有博士级阵容的师资力量;因地制宜,针对在美学生特点,以中英文双语教学。所有教师均具有丰富的教学经验,至少拥有大学本科学历或高段位职业证书。学校虽创立不久,但扩大校舍已成为当务之急。校舍扩容后,将可满足更多中文学习者的需求;民族舞蹈、中华武术等课程也将陆续启动招生。